What we do
We're committed to helping young people achieve their goals.
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Yolanda, known as “Landy” by so many, was beautiful, kind and brave – truly amazing in every way.

In the early hours of the 5th August, 2018, as she was walking home after a night out with friends, she was killed in a “hit and run” incident outside Stockwell Tube Station in London. She was taken so suddenly and cruelly from us and we are determined to ensure something decent comes out of her death. Using the love, support and resource we as parents would have given her, we want to ensure the work she will never be able to do herself, will get done.

She worked with disabled children to develop communication skills through drama. She produced plays and managed to draw together a huge range of people to put on performances that were wonderful. She travelled to New Zealand, became a ski instructor and spent the next two seasons, working specifically with children in New Zealand and Europe – all while completing her English degree at Kings College, London. She nannied in Australia and then worked as a Teaching Assistant with particularly vulnerable children. She had a wonderful ability to make others feel good about themselves and she could see the funny side in everything.

What we’re up to now……

We have been so very touched by the amount of support the Foundation has received from so many. Thank you!!!!
We are now helping young people 15 – 24 in London, Dorset and Hampshire get their feet off the ground, with both financial aid and pretty much anything else we can do to help them reach their goal. You can meet the brilliant young people we’ve helped so far on our Awardees page.

If this sounds a bit like you, why not visit our Apply page.

Would you like to make a quick donation?  Find out more here.

100% of the donations go directly towards funding the aspirations of the young people who successfully apply for our help. We do not use any donated funds to support our administration costs or expenses which are all covered privately.

See our latest news and updates, click on the text on any article on the right to find out more.

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Dorset 55 mile Charity Bike Ride 2025

This will be the Sixth annual Dorset bike ride to raise funds for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.

Please email us if you want to join in on Saturday 27th September 2025 at enquiries@tymf.co.uk.

Great company, a challenging course and a chance to help young people by raising money through sponsorship.


October 2024

Richard Murphy’s 312km Mallorca Ride

On the 19th October Richard will be embarking on a 312KM ride around the Island of Mallorca….on the same day!

Mallorca is very undulating…with lots of hills.  Good luck Richard, I hope the training is going well.


Past Events – September 2024

Dorset 55 mile Charity Bike Ride 2024

The weather was pretty bad on the 27th and 29th of September, but fate was and kind and it was absolutely perfect on Saturday, 28th when 23 brave riders took to their bikes to cycle 55 miles to raise money for the Foundation.
As is tradition, some of us got lost. Many of us thought, “when will this end?”. At the top of Creech Hill (AKA “The Hill of Doom”), Jack and Alexa met us with teas, coffees, cakes and donuts.
The cyclists massive effort and your huge generosity led to us raising £4,253 which is a record for the annual ride.

Please email us if you want to join in 2025 on Saturday 27th September at enquiries@tymf.co.uk.


June 2024

The Old Man’s Triathlon

The Old Man’s Triathlon……52kms walking, bus and car….arriving and leaving in the early and late hours….

Robert took his wagon to Canberra to get work done, it’s an easy 3hr drive from his home. As it took a few days for the work to be done and he had to get back home to care for the dogs he used a combination of bus and shanks pony to do so.

He drove to Canberra early morning on the 11th June and then walked 10km from the workshop to Canberra Civic to get bus back Eden. After arriving in Eden at 2130hrs he walked 16km home, arriving at Nethercote in the early hours.

Then on the 14th June he walked 16km from home to Eden where he caught the early morning bus to Canberra Civic before walking 10km to workshop, pick up wagon and drive home.

52kms walking, and Robert raised an amazing £693.59 – thank you that is awesome.


May 2024

Broadstone Middle School Fun Run

Broadstone Middle School students and staff raise funds annually by completing a fun run in the Summer term. They use the money raised to support local charities and arts education in the school and have raised more than £33,000 in the last three years. This year the school supported TYMF, making a massive donation of £4000 from the £13,000 raised this year.

On the 21st May, the children were challenged to complete a run of up to 5K and wore yellow to support TYMF. Some children and staff took the opportunity to have some fun and dressed up as minions, bananas and pineapples!

Over 650 children ran 1.5K, 3K or 5K on the school’s cross country route, finishing in the middle of the school playing field. There were generous donations of prizes and all who took part had the chance to win one of those rewards in a raffle.

May 2024

Hackney Half

Board Member Ella ran the Hackney Half on the 15th May to raise money for the foundation. She dashed through 13.1 miles of East London with vibrant street art, music and entertainment following her every step of the way and raised an amazing £880.  Thank you Ella, that’s brilliant.

May 2024

London Quiz Night

What a fun night!  The London Quiz night took place at the John The Unicorn pub in Peckham Rye on Wednesday 1st May 2024 and raised £490.  MK was the awesome quizmaster again and almost 50 people turned up for a great night out.

We will arrange another one next year so please look out for the details on the website.


March 2024

Polly & Jack’s Triathlon Fundraiser

On Sunday 17th March Polly, Jack and Blossom completed a 4km run, an 11km bike ride and a 250m swim in Poole in aid of The Yolanda Moore Foundation. They started at 6.30am and raised a staggering £3,340.76.  Thank you, what superstars.

October 2023

Hammy’s fundraiser – The Dorney Lake Sprint Triathlon

On Saturday 11th November Steven Ham completed the Dorney Lake Sprint Triathlon and raised over £530 for The Yolanda Moore Foundation. Steven completed a 10k run /40k ride / 5k run in his record time. What a star, thank you.

September 2023

Dorset 55 mile Charity Bike Ride 2023

The fourth annual Dorset bike ride raised £3,453 for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.

We were very lucky with the weather, and 20 riders enjoyed a challenging but fun ride around the Isle of Purbeck.

Thank you to everyone who took part, we are looking forward to seeing you all again in 2024.


April 2023

Dean Moore ran the London Marathon 

Yolanda’s uncle ran the London Marathon in April to raise money for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.

Running is really not his ‘thing’ to be honest, unless you count the occasional Sunday morning junior park run with Jack, his rather fast seven year old son!

He raised more than £4,700 for the Foundation, what a superstar.

Thank you for your support!


April 2023

India Roberts ran the Paris Marathon 

Yolanda’s great friend India ran the Paris Marathon in April to raise money for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.  India spent two seasons in New Zealand with Yolanda working as ski instructors at Treble Cone.

She smashed the run in 3 hours and 41 minutes and raised more than £2,500.  Thank you India, you are a superstar.

November 2022

TYMF Charity Quiz

We do a lot of bike rides to raise funds for the Foundation and so many of our fabulous supporters do amazing sporting events to raise money for us. We were asked if there were any events for those who preferred a more relaxed way of supporting the Foundation.

Cue MK and our wonderful Board . . . . in no time at all, they had booked the “John, the Unicorn” pub in Peckham to host the TYMF Quiz Night on 18 November.

Downstairs in the pub, the Ru Paul Drag Race semi-final was being beamed to punters, whilst upstairs, MK was doing a wonderful job of leading us through a variety of questions, that somewhat challenged our “older” patrons. We had guest appearances from Jo, who was in Indonesia (there are over 17,500 islands in Indonesia!) and Will, coming to us from Melbourne, Australia (Coffs Harbour is where the “Big Banana” is – the Aussies all got this one!).

As it was our first public quiz event, we kept it small (with only 60 people) . . . thanks so much to the friends and family who came along to support us. It’s unclear who won the evening, but certainly, the Foundation was a winner and the much needed funds raised will go to supporting a brilliant young person be even more amazing.

We’ll be braver next year . . . join us in November 2023 when we do it all again!


September 2022

Dorset 55 mile Charity Bike Ride 2022

The Dorset bike ride was successfully completed for the third year in succession in September to raise funds for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.

Amazing weather (again), great company and a challenging course resulted in a wonderful day and more than £2,000 being raised to help young people.

Thank you to all the riders, we have booked you in for 2023.


June 2022

London Nightrider 2022.  “Not your Usual Ride”

Wow, what an amazing evening.  A number of The Yolanda Moore Foundation supporters rode in the London Nightrider Event on 11-12 June 2022.

Riding on the historic streets of London and taking in some of the capital city’s most iconic landmarks under the night sky was fun, although it was a bit scary at times and it felt a bit like jet lag at 3am when we all finished.

The team raised an amazing £4,091, thank you to all the superstar riders and their supporters.


October 2021

Chrissie Whitfield ran the Chicago Marathon

Chrissie managed to get to a very sunny Chicago via Bermuda (to enable quarantine) to run more than 26 miles!  The temperature was over 28 degrees but she completed the race and raised over £1,100 for the Foundation.  Thank you so much Chrissie, you are a star.

September 2021

Dorset 55 mile Charity Bike Ride 2021

On 11 September 20 supporters cycled up and down hill, across the water (on the chain ferry) and along the sea front as a challenge to raise money to make things a bit easier for young people. COVID has made things even tougher for them and TYMF aims to help with that.

The cyclists had a great day, in perfect weather and raised over £2,800.  Thank you everyone, you are all superstars.


Shore Medical Group kindly chose us as their charity of the year.

We’re so pleased to be supported by the Shore Medical Group, Dorset, this year. They are  fundraising and helping to spread the word for us and have already raised more than £1,200.  Thank you to everyone at Shore Medical for your support.


October 2021

Aggie Milner ran the London Marathon

On 3rd October 2021, Aggie ran the London Marathon in 3 hours and 36 minutes and raised £1,727.50 for The Yolanda Moore Foundation.  What an incredible feat (that we certainly couldn’t do), she is a legend .

September 2020

London to Brighton Charity Bike Ride…..in Dorset, Bristol & London!

It’s amazing what you’ll do for a good time when you’ve been in lock down! One of our Board members, Ella, signed up to the Skyline London to Brighton ride on Sunday, 13th September 2020. Board members Richard, Hannah, Rhonda and Wayne signed up…..before for the ride was then postponed until 2021 due to Covid-19.

The five of us convinced thirteen others to join in and ride fifty five miles on the 13th September in Dorset, Bristol and London and we raised £5,086.  The riders were awesome, the donations were amazing and massively appreciated. The support we had to make it happen was immense (thank you to Rich, Tracy, Jane and Gerry for hosting folk and to Cath and Tim who made sure we all had somewhere to sit when turned up for lunch at the pub!).

June 2020

Casey Purdie put pedal to the metal from Lands End to John o’Groats 

Casey had decided to cycle the mammoth 1,004 miles from Lands End to John O’Groats in September and then COVID 19 put pay to being able to physically do the ride. Not to be put off, Casey took on the legendary challenge closer to home and cycled the full Lands End to John o’Groats distance closer to home in 11 days in all types of weather , up a shed load of hills and when the weather was too rubbish, took to the turbo trainer. What an awesome effort!!!

She has raised more than £1,850 for the Foundation, what a superstar.  If you want to find out more about her legendary challenge and donate please click the button below.

March 2020

Hannah and Sophie Edwards ran  the Bath Half Marathon and raised an amazing £1,788.  Thank you so much.

Sophie and Hannah spent many weekends and holidays with Yollie growing up and have many wonderful, hilarious and fun memories and they ran the half marathon on 15th March 2020 to raise money in her memory.

November 2019

Hope and Jonathan supported the Foundation at their wonderful wedding. 

They and their guests donated a brilliant £700 towards the Foundation. Thank you so much for your support!


November 2019

Chrissie Whitfield ran the New York Marathon

Chrissie refinished the New York Marathon in a fantastic time of 3 hours and 46 minutes.  Thank you so much to everyone that supported and sponsored her and helped raise and awesome £1,600 for the foundation.  Thanks Chrissie, you are a star.

November 2019

Sara Lee ran the Nottingham Half Marathon

Sara pounded the pavements in the Nottingham Half Marathon on 29th September for TYMF. She’s achieved her target of raising £500 and we’re so grateful to her – and to everyone who sponsored her! 2:35 was no mean feat!!! Thank you so very much Sara!!

September 2019

Tracy Cox Head Shave

Tracy raised an amazing £1,385.  She wanted to do something to contribute a positive difference for sometime knowing that it would need to be something drastic. She didn’t want to ask for money to pound the pavement running, a bake sale or even a sponsored silence – she shaved her head instead.  What a superstar.

June 2019

Rob Atkins’ Big Walk

Rob Atkins braved the elements (and there were LOADS of elements) and faced the cold to walk the Pennine Way in June. He hiked the 439km over 14 days and raised a whopping £5,319 for us. Legend.

May 2019

King’s Snow Sports – End of Year Party

K.I.S.S. raised £588 in memory of their former legendary social secretary Yolanda. A whole bunch of ski peeps, drinks, a raffle and of course, loads of merch (thanks Afterjam you legends).

May 2019

London Tough Mudder Classic

On the 4th of May 2019, Ella, Issy, Katie and Midge, took part in the London Tough Mudder Classic. They challenged themselves to a dirty, muddy, wet 8-10 mile, 25 obstacle course in support of The Yolanda Moore Foundation. They raised £1400 – go on gals!

We’ve had some great fundraisers so far, from a big office feast to a cracking (literally eggs cracked over heads style) pub quiz. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming events or create your own! All you have to do is drop us an email to get your own fundraiser going.

Have a look at our mission statement to find out more about what we want to do and how we aim to keep Yolanda and her life present in everything we achieve. You can read it here.

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